
Learning with Different Output Space $Y$

  • binary classification: $Y=\{-1,+1\}$
  • multiclass classification: $Y=\{1,2,…,K\}$
  • regression: $Y=\mathbb{R}$
  • structured learning: $Y=structures$

Learning with Different Data Label $y_n$

  • supervised: all $y_n$
  • unsupervised: no $y_n$
  • semi_supervised: some $y_n$
  • reinforcement: implicit $y_n$ by goodness($\tilde{y}_n$)

Learning with Different Protocol $f\Rightarrow (x_n,y_n)$

  • batch: all known data
  • online: sequential (passive) data
  • active: strategically-observed data

Learning with Differeent Input Space $X$

  • concrete: sophisticated (and related) physical meaning
  • raw: simple physical meaning
  • abstract: no (or ittle) physical meaning

Focus: [classification/regression] [supervised] [batch] [concrete]